Why Hospitality Management Degree is the Best Career Choice for you?

Why Hospitality Management Degree is the Best Career Choice for you

What is the Hospitality Industry?

The essential establishment of the hospitality business is based upon client benefit, a component shared by each fragment of the cordiality business. Surely, each portion focusses on conveying a few or all aspects of administration, which gives business visionaries a way to produce benefits over an extensive variety of associations. While professions in this industry can be testing and quick paced, they offer chances to prevail in administration on a worldwide level with prospects for unique training to help you have a great professional career.

Parts of the Hospitality Industry

Food and Beverage

The Food and drink part speaks to the biggest level of the general neighbourliness commercial centre with about $627 billion in income in the United States alone in 2013. Business that contain this part incorporate selective eateries, fast food feasting, cooks, clubs and club administration, Food preparing, retail and conveyance. In addition, the nourishment and drink classification can exist inside other business foundations, for example, motion picture theatres, planes and airports, hotels and shopping centres. Food and beverage supplements a wide cluster of businesses and drastically improves the aggregate fulfilment of a visitor encounter through top of the line client benefit and magnificent food and drink.


Inns, quaint little hotels and different sorts of hotel are included in the housing section. These can extend from five-star lodgings, resorts and luxury hotels to campgrounds and youth hostels. The candidates working here can acknowledge an incentive and productivity, comfort, helpful enhancements and keen client benefit.

Of the three market fragments, the lodging industry uses particular estimations of the stay and welcome the guest. These include:

  • Booking arrival time
  • Length of the stay
  • Day of weeks stay
  • Cancelation rate
  • No show deduction

Truth be told, the reach of hotel income administration is exceptionally refined, and to make progress on the worldwide market, a training and degree from a profoundly regarded college with a program in housing administration has turned into a vital achievement to earn the consideration of the best hotels on the planet.

Travel and Tourism

The third fragment of the hospitality business envelops travel and transportation, including trains, carriers, journey ships and the separate staffs for each. Basically, travel staff and flight chaperons’ work as traverse hoteliers and Food servers keeping in mind the end goal to give an agreeable affair and food or drink. Similarly, administration professions in accommodation much of the time cross into every one of the three portions, which opens vocation ways and openings around the world. In addition, travel and tourism require specialists in data innovation. In reality, the other two fragments do too, and proficient innovation representatives will discover expanding openings by concentrating on hospitality.

Things You Should Know About Hospitality Management Degree

Working in the hospitality business is tied in with giving individuals a really important ordeal. Running an extraordinary eatery, keeping up a delightful lodging or putting on the best club evenings makes for a fulfilling and testing profession.

Our Hospitality Management degree will furnish you with the information and aptitudes you will require to flourish in a developing industry that utilizes around 1.9 million individuals in the UK alone.

MRC has strategically placed a short leave London City Airport and a portion of the capital’s most renowned settings – including the communication centre and sports Arena – and learning in London gives you access to a portion of the best hotels, eateries, and attractions on the planet. Investigate our own particular manual for London to perceive what the best options to experience hospitality are.

The course is intended to give you an incredible beginning in your profession; it is authorized by the Institute of Hospitality and you’ll appreciate arrangements and visitor addresses held with industry pioneers over the capital.

You’ll have a decision to think about the Bachelor’s degree or one of two focused on pathways – International Hospitality Management and Hospitality Entrepreneur – that enable you to centre on the worldwide neighbourliness segment or business enterprise in the hospitality business.

As extraordinary compared to other built-up courses of its composed, our International Hospitality Management BA (Hons) is intended to expand your employability in the area. With its adjustment of scholastic and professional modules, the course is ideal for kick-starting a vocation in the hospitality business.

You can anticipate going to speakers from industry, and field trips which have included Royal Ascot and Lords Cricket Ground. You’ll have the chance to be coached by industry experts under the Hospitality Undergraduate Mentoring Scheme and can add to your capabilities by concentrate for the Wine and Spirit Education Trust grants.

Our Culinary Arts Studio reproduce a cordiality setting with a bistro and takeaway nourishment outlet is controlled by our understudies, empowering them to incorporate hypothesis. The choice of a situation year in the UK or abroad gives an important chance to pick up contacts, proficient experience and preference in the activity showcase.

We have visiting individuals from the Institute of Hospitality’s Education Membership Scheme(EMS), which empowers our understudies to get to broad assets and advantages.

The degree will take no less than three or four years to finish, dependent upon whether you pick a job in the real world. The technique for educating will fluctuate from customary addresses to intuitive workshops, which include bunch works out, contextual analyses and understudy introductions.

In the event that you spend significant time in showcasing, you will take a pro module in your second year and look over an alternate choice of discretionary modules in your third year. You will start the course with around 25 study hours for each week yet this will lessen in the vicinity of 15 and 18 hours. Albeit the majority of the modules from the initial two years are required, you will have the capacity to choose from an extensive variety of alternatives in your last year.

Through a blend of classroom-based learning and down to earth involvement, you’ll pick up an itemized comprehension of each part of the inn business, and in addition introduction to the workings of a five-star setting. You will have the chance to create handy and expert abilities from the beginning. This incorporates an introduction to industry specialists from all territories of the lodging and hospitality industry, through on-work preparing, intelligent workshops, and individual training sessions. This common sense learning is supported by hypothesis, so you will likewise find out about ideas of hospitality activities and administration at USW Newport.

A complete guide to hotel management colleges in uk

hotel management colleges in UK

One of the most significant outcomes of globalisation is the rapid growth in the tourism and hospitality industry. As UK is one of the most popular travel destinations across the globe, the government is very encouraging of the development of the travel and tourism industry in UK. This has to lead to the advent of more and more hotels around the cities and some of the countryside as well. The hotel industry is such a crucial part of the hospitality industry in general that it always has a potential for growth in the near future. The demand for people working in various domains of hotel management is huge and it is expected to grow even more.

Apart from the shining glamour surrounding the entire world of hotel management, a career in the management of hotels and other parts of the hospitality industry is quite lucrative and exciting. This has attracted more and more students to opt for this career. As the number of people opting for hotel management courses increases, we can also see a sharp increase in the competition. The competition is both on the student front as well as the college front. Every student wants to get into the best college and the colleges also want to get the straight A students so that the image and the class of their college are maintained. Hence, this article will give you a comprehensive guide to hotel management colleges in UK.

What is Hotel Management?

The hotel management sector is divided primarily into 4 basic functionalities –

  1. Food Production – This service is all about preparing food and presenting it to the guests. This also involves designing interesting dishes and advancing the culinary status of the hotel. This field is suitable for all the students who have an interest in becoming a chef in the future. They can get a great head start in the industry with a degree in hotel management and it would be easier for them to get the technical knowledge throughout this course.
  2. Food and Beverage Services – These services involve the art of serving food and beverages to the guests. They take care of the entire experience of the guests. They help the guests with all their requests in terms of food and beverages and give them an idea about what they should order to get the best out of the hotel. They play a major role in making the meal pleasant for the guest and impact the image that they have for the hotel.
  3. Front Office – They are the true face of the hotel. The first interaction of any guest is with the front office and as they say, the first impressions always leave a lasting impact. They are responsible for meeting and greeting the guests. They also organise the accommodation for the guests. They are responsible taking and managing reservations. This staff is greatly responsible for the check in and check out of rooms. They also communicate with the guests in case of every need. They act as the basis of contact for the guest and hence, the center of their entire hotel stay. They manage to maintain or destroy the image of the hotel with their behavior.
  4. Housekeeping Services – This section ensures that the guests always see a comfortable and appealing environment to guest during their stay at the hotel. They are responsible for the maintenance of rooms and the services provided to the guests. They are in charge of handling the luggage and dropping off the requests for the people. They make sure that the stay of the guest in the hotel fulfills all their needs.

All these services play a major role in the introduction and the advancement of the hotel management sector. If all of these are something that you want to do for your career, we will tell you all about the course for hotel management and hotel management colleges in UK.

Careers in Hotel Management

The career opportunities exist in the tourism industry as a tourism consultancy, event management, marketing, operations management, conference, banqueting manager, travel agent, holiday representative and the hotel staff that includes managers, waiters, bell boys, front desk staff, housekeeping, chefs, cleaners etc.

In order to get started with the hotel management course in UK, you will need an IELTS score of a minimum of 5.5 in all the categories including reading, writing, speaking and listening. Most universities won’t settle for the score below 6 in all categories. The International Baccalaureate requirements are typically 32 points. The A level requirement is ABB for most universities.

Best Hotel Management Colleges in UK

There are many colleges which can give you a degree in hospitality management. The best one for all your needs related to hospitality management is Mont Rose College of management and sciences. Founded in 2006, Mont Rose College has created a reputable brand for higher education offering a special learning environment, situated in Ilford, London. Mont Rose College is paving its way to providing quality teaching and tailored student support. Their passionate tutors have recognition within the industry and they also value and teach the students in small group sizes, with plenty of social interaction between students and lecturers – providing an outstanding level of support for all their learners.

Mont Rose College’s refurbished premises offer students a world-class learning environment, with access to private study areas and an extensive range of online learning resources. There are various undergraduate HND/HNC studies available in Business Accounting, Hospitality Management and Business Marketing, Mont Rose College has an excellent track record of high achievers which defines our slogan “Excellence through Learning”.

Mont Rose College of Management and Sciences in London offers this course with the approval of BTEC Edexcel. The Pearson BTEC Level-5 HND Hospitality Management course provides a specialist work – related programme of study that covers key knowledge, understanding and practical skills required in the hospitality industry and also offers particular specialist emphasis through the choice of specialised units.

The Pearson BTEC Level-5 HND Hospitality Management course offers a progression route for learners who wish to be employed in the Hospitality industry. The Pearson BTEC Level-5 HND Hospitality Management degree is particularly useful for learners who wish to progress to a Bachelors Degree.

Please download the application form from www.mrcollege.ac.uk. Complete and return it to Mont Rose College with relevant qualification documents, one suitable reference and a copy of your passport via email and attached scanned document copies to admissions@mrcollege.ac.uk or, by post to,

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Best college for hospitality management course in UK

hotel management colleges in uk

According to the trends and surveys of the recent market done by the British Hospitality Association, there are around 1.9 million people who are currently working in the hospitality industry. The industry has become increasingly popular in the past decade and the number of jobs has increased multiple times. We do know that varied shifts can be long and tiring but a vast multitude of people who work in hospitality job have a passion for this work. If you are someone who is considering hospitality management in UK, this article will be perfect for you.

All about the different benefits of the hospitality industry

Then we will tell you which course is the most beneficial for your career in the hospitality industry. We will also tell you about the best college from which you can study this course to give new wings to your career clearly and with the latest facts.

  1. You make people’s life pleasant – Even if you are a concierge in a hotel or a kitchen porter working behind the scenes or even involved in the management of the hospitality business, you should be happy that every time you come to work you make someone’s day. Your existence in the industry makes people’s travel experience so much better. This business is all about people and serving others. It is not about making spreadsheets and contacting others for profits. You work so that you can please others and there is no other ulterior benefit in that.
  2. It’s Creative – Your job will never be boring. There will always be a need for creative ideas and inspiration in this people based industry. Every problem that you will face will be different from the other and you will be motivated to find a solution to everything in your own way. You will influence people’s decisions and experienced very significantly. You will be creating a common product that will be the image of the organization after the combined outcome of the food, drinks and experience. There will always be a scope to make things more enjoyable to the customers.
  3. Makes you a worldwide citizen – Every country in this world, however small or big, has a hospitality industry. The skills that you will learn in one job are readily transferable. This means that with your experience of hospitality management in one industry, you can apply for the similar jobs in a different country and everything will still be equally valuable. If the hotel group that you work for, has business in many other countries, you can travel to those locations because of work. The advantage is that exotic locations have more opportunity as compared to any other type of job.
  4. You can’t get stuck – With many other jobs, people have the belief that they will be stuck in one job and one location for their entire lifetime. As your career in the hospitality industry advances, you will realise that things will never become stagnant. Every day is a new customer and new challenge. If you get bored with one type of work, there are so many other jobs that you can take up in the same organisation and there will be absolutely no problem. This job will not let you get stuck when it comes to career growth as the possibilities here are truly endless.
  5. Not 9-5 – If you are a person who never believed in the routine 9 to 5 jobs, this industry can be the real deal for you. You get to work on flexible shifts. There are many people who find it difficult to be productive during the day. For those people, working in a night shift will be the perfect thing. If you are not the person who gets excited about waking up at the same time every day, having the same boring breakfast and following the same routine everyday, this job is perfect for you. You will be able to live a life full of spontaneity and excitement. There will be a great difference on not only the hours that you work in but also the work that you do during those hours.
  6. Great Perks – One of the biggest benefits of working in this industry is the huge number of perks that come along with it. The employee perks include access to the luxury resources of the hotel property. You can use these resources at the time of your job based on your job description. Food is probably the biggest advantage when working in the hotel business. You get to eat amazing quality food prepared by world class chefs for absolutely free and there will be a possibility to take things home when there is some food prepared in access. The employee discounts are great as well. You have the ability to stay in world class locations with your near and dear ones on every vacation and all of this because of your job. The spa and swimming pool are also included in the perks of hospitality jobs,

We hope we have been able to tell you completely about the advantages of having a job in the hospitality management in UK. The course titles hospitality management in UK is perfect if you are considering a job in the hospitality industry. The best course for this would be HND Hospitality Management. The best college for this course in UK will be Mont Rose College.

Mont Rose College of Management and Sciences in London offers this course with the approval of BTEC Edexcel. The Pearson BTEC Level-5 HND Hospitality Management course provides a specialist work – related programme of study that covers key knowledge, understanding and practical skills required in the hospitality industry and also offers particular specialist emphasis through the choice of specialised units.

The level of the HND Courses which means it is a higher national diploma which is equivalent to the second year of a bachelor’s degree in UK. The course involves a Level 4 qualification higher national certificate.

The student will have to complete 240 credits in total in order to score the degree for a higher national diploma. The mode of study for this course is full time. The study load of this course is just enough to make you work hard but not completely immersive. The students have to spend around 8-10 hours each week in order to get this degree. The full-time students also have to maintain an attendance of 21 hours per week for the successful completion of this programme.

We hope you have understood that Mont Rose College in Uk is the best choice for hospitality management in UK. If you choose this college, you can be sure that your career will not any limits. As the time of the course and your experience with the college advances, you will be able to put a finger on the personality changes that you will experience and your level of knowledge will increase significantly as well. After taking this course you will be able to work at the front office in the hotel, work as a food and beverage manager and events manager for any hotel.

Degrees in Hospitality make you “welcome” in sector

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Three big driving forces in the UK hospitality sector are working together to make it a rich source of careers for graduates.

Need to up skill and attract British recruits

The first is the much talked about Brexit. Britain’s departure from the European Union looks set to force many thousands of people to leave their jobs in UK hotels, restaurants and tourist attractions to return to their countries of origin.

The trend to recruit hospitality staff from overseas will be strangled by a sea of red tape, delays and costs; the side-effects of Britain stepping outside the EU’s free-flowing marketplace.

It means hospitality employers must look more to the indigenous workforce. This, in turn, means they must help boost the skill pool and make careers in this sector far more attractive to the British. Human Resource teams need a whole new perspective on recruitment.

As this mass exodus from employment in UK hotels and restaurants largely involves lower skilled jobs, how does it affect graduates? Read on and it will become clear.

Technological revolution including remote retailing

A second push and pull on the UK hospitality sector is the relentless drive for automation, agile processes and cutting-edge technology. Remote retailing is going to be high on many IT agendas. For example, this enables consumers to order meals in advance; walk into fast food restaurants then leave with products that are billed automatically using sensors; check into hotels and access rooms via their mobile phones.

This list of possibilities is exciting. However, it’s easier than ever for competitors to steal market share by making technological investments that are out of reach for some.

New data protection laws

Much of the technology mentioned above relies on collating and holding personal data on clients. Many modern marketing methods involve loyalty incentives or contacting qualified leads. Compliance with the current Data Protection Act is a headache for many hospitality businesses, but some are blissfully aware that it is about to get even more difficult.

The 2018 EU General Data Protection Regulations will affect any organization that holds data on EU citizens. So, British hotels and restaurants are unlikely to be immune. It creates complex obligations to provide consumers with far greater protection on how personal information (name, address etc) is collected, stored, shared, used and disposed of.

For example, personal data will need to be encrypted, to render it unusable to anyone else in the event of a data breach. And who holds the encryption key needs careful planning, especially as it needs an auditable process for turning it back into the information that hospitality businesses need day-to-day.

Hospitality sector needs new skills

You may have already spotted a trend here. New skills. New competencies. Cutting edge technology and processes. Hotels and restaurants need managers and leaders who can revolutionize human resources, customer care, data protection and data analysis.

It means that the UK hospitality sector needs graduates more than ever. Studying at Mont Rose Colleges in Ilford will provide you with the latest insights and real experience of the challenges and opportunities.

What skills do I need to succeed in business?

hnd business and management

Business is a hard ‘business’ to be in. It is a rat race to get to the top, therefore having the correct personal and professional skills is essential to succeed in such a tough industry. Knowing whether it is the correct career path for you is extremely important early on in life, so that you can make the right decision when choosing a course.

Below are a few personal and professional skills you need to succeed in business

1. Leadership

Within business, you will often have to manage a set of staff; you will need to be confident in expressing exactly what needs to be done and follow your gut instinct on quick decisions. As a leader, a great deal of motivation will be needed to meet objectives and push your team to get results.

2. Organisation

Organisation and planning is key to a successful businessperson. There are high demands to provide products and services to customers on a set time scale. Running late or being unorganised is not even an option in the business world. You should have the passion to meet your clients’ needs. If you fail to deliver, you won’t last long in the industry.

3. Communication

Within business, there will be a great deal of communication involved, whether it be in writing or speaking. You must have good business language to communicate with clients and partners, but you should be able to speak on the level of the ordinary individual who has no business knowledge. Adapting your communication skills for different individuals is a must. You should also be confident in standing up and speaking to a large group of people, as presentations are an important of business.

4. Creativity

You should have a good imagination to think up new ideas and put those ideas into practice. Within business, brain-storming will be a huge element to the process and therefore being able to express ideas is highly beneficial. Inventing ideas out of your own head is usually how products and business plans become successful, due to the individuality of ideas that no-one else has yet thought up. Jotting down thoughts and developing them into larger ideas is a good method of creativity.

If you are thinking about going to college in LondonMont Rose College is a higher education provider and offers hospitality course London. If you would like further information, please contact us today.

With a HND in Hospitality Management, the sky’s the limit

top colleges in east london

The U.K hospitality industry is a massive sector with an incredibly broad range of services, ranging from hotels and restaurants, to theme parks, tourism and cruise liners. Statistics from the British Hospitality Association show that the hospitality sector is currently the sixth largest contributor to the UK’s total export earnings and is the countries’ fourth largest employer, employing nearly 4.5 million people in the U.K alone. This constitutes an impressive 10% of the total workforce, spread across more than 180,000 businesses .

The Higher National Diploma (HND) in hospitality management is specifically designed to equip candidates with the skills, knowledge and understanding to successfully gain employment within the hospitality industry. Focusing on the main operational areas of the industry, such as food and beverage, food hygiene and systems of control and due diligence, the HND in hospitality management also focuses on developing interpersonal skills as well as covering supervisory and managerial elements, such as time management, profitability and legal compliance. There are a range of optional units to allow the candidate to specialise in particular areas, such as marketing and advertising, food preparation or licensing.

Higher National Diploma

The HND in hospitality management can be undertaken by a wide range of candidates, including school leavers, adult learners and those already working in the hospitality industry looking to make their skills official, start their own business or seeking better opportunity for career progression. The HND in hospitality management also provides a strong foundation for further study or a top up degree.

Upon successful completion of the HND hospitality management, candidates can go on to study at degree level or seek employment opportunities within this varied sector; such opportunities are not just limited to the UK. With an internationally recognised HND an individual can present a strong CV virtually anywhere in the world, from cities and holiday destinations to cruise companies and hotels.

The HND in hospitality management will prepare individuals for supervisory and management roles within the hospitality industry, but it will also increase the chances to join industry graduate programmes in the UK and abroad. This will provide candidates with excellent opportunities to travel or work in a foreign country. With the experience of gaining a HND in hospitality management and a plethora of skills to increase employability, the HND in hospitality management at Mont Rose College is an excellent course provided by a top colleges in east London for those looking to broaden their horizons, progress to management or supervisory level or looking to increase employability in a vast global industry

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